The Benefits of Sunlight

Do you know how important it is to get that little bit of sunlight in your day?

2021 Lockdown and travel restrictions has really put a downer on the year for many people and their mental health so I have been doing some research on ways to boost our spirits and mindset to help get us through.

There are so many benefits of being outdoors and letting your body absorb that beautiful sunshine. Here are some scientifically proven benefits:

1. Improves Sleep

Research tells us that an hour of natural light in the morning will help you sleep better at night. Your body creates a hormone called melatonin that is essential to helping you sleep. Sunshine regulates your circadian rhythm by telling your body when to increase and decrease your melatonin levels. So, the more daylight exposure you can get, the better your body will produce melatonin when it's time to go to sleep.

2. Reduces stress

Piggy-backing off the sleep benefits, melatonin also lowers stress reactivity! Sunshine allows our body to regulate melatonin and because you're often doing something active like playing with the kids or walking, that little bit of exercise also helps lower stress.

3. Vitamin D 

The best and easiest way to get Vitamin D is by being outside. About 15 minutes in the sun will trigger your body to produce vitamin D and that's more than enough if you're fair skinned. Vitamin D also helps your body maintain calcium and prevents brittle, thin or misshapen bones.

4. Helps keep the weight off

When you're outside, you are typically moving around. If you're doing this for at least 30 minutes between 8am and lunchtime, research has shown that this time window and sunlight has been linked to weight-loss.

5. Strengthens your immune system

Vitamin D is CRITICAL  for your immune system. With consistent exposure such as morning walks or drinking your morning coffee outside, you are helping strengthen your immune system. Healthy immune systems are what reduce the risk of illnesses and viruses. 

6. Fights off depression

During the winter months there are fewer hours of daylight which can be a common cause for seasonal affective disorder (a change in mood that occurs during the cooler months). Sunshine is a scientifically proven mood booster! Sunshine boosts your body's level of serotonin, a chemical that improves your mood and helps you to stay calm and focused.


Sunlight is essential for human health and well-being. It can do a full 180 on your mood and set your pace for the day. Make sure you're getting outside and absorbing some warm sunshine on that beautiful face of yours!